Seed Fund Extension Grants
Supporting previous Seed Fund recipients with additional funding
Opportunity status:
Seed Fund Extension Grants
Open until
Open until funds are fully allocated
Open until funds are fully allocated
Seed Fund
Open until
Open until funds are fully allocated
Expected to open on August 21, 2024

Previous Seed Fund grant recipients are encouraged to apply for up to $50,000 in commercialization funding after completing the Lab2Market Oceans Validate program.


  • Extension grants are available for research teams at Dalhousie University and Memorial University who have received previous Seed funding.
  • Teams must first complete one of the following programs before applying for this extension grant: Lab2Market Oceans, Lab2Market Validate, or Lab au Marché Validation.  The Lab2Market (L2M) Oceans programs:
  • Trains students/postdocs and principal investigators on entrepreneurial thinking and methodologies and focuses the next steps of research and innovation development based on in-depth market research and customer discovery.
  • Provides a competitive stipend for the participating researcher (Masters, Doctorate, Postdoc).
  • Applications for extension grants will be considered and assessed on the following criteria:

  • Opportunity for the extension grant to advance the research to the next fundable stage of development (25%).
  • Consideration of commercialization opportunity and strategy (25%).
  • Insights leveraged from L2M to focus and advance research (25%).
  • Robustness of EDIA strategy (25%).


  • Apply for one of the three Lab2Market programs:
  • Applications for Seed Fund extension grants will be considered on a rolling basis until funding is allocated. Future funding is not guaranteed.

How to apply


Have questions or need more information? Contact Dr. Morteza Jeyhani, our manager of innovation and commercialization.