Dr. Anya Waite
Chief Executive Officer and Scientific Director

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Dr. Anya Waite

Dr. Waite is the chief executive officer and scientific director of the Ocean Frontier Institute. Her previous roles include the associate vice-president research (ocean) at Dalhousie University from 2018-2024, section head of Polar Biological Oceanography at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Bremerhaven, and professor of oceanography at the University of Bremen.

After completing a Bachelor of Science in biology in 1985 at Dalhousie, she obtained her PhD in 1992 in biological oceanography at the University of British Columbia. She then held postdoctoral positions at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the Victoria University in New Zealand.

In 1997, Dr. Waite took a professorship at the University of Western Australia in Perth and was there for 17 years as a biological oceanographer. She was a research group leader in the Oceans Institute in addition to teaching students in the Environmental Engineering program. Dr. Waite’s early work included participation in the first Southern Ocean Iron Fertilization Experiment (SOIREE). After this, Dr. Waite’s work in the East Indian Ocean explored the dynamics of mesoscale eddies, the nitrogen cycle in oligotrophic systems, and the biology of the spiny lobster larvae in Australian waters. Her current interests include nitrogen fluxes in polar oceans and particle dynamics in mesoscale eddies.

Previously, Dr. Waite co-chaired the prestigious Global Ocean Observing System steering committee from 2020-2024 - the first woman at the head of this body since its creation in 2011. She was Canada’s representative on the World Meteorological Organization’s Greenhouse Gas Study Group, and she co-chaired the Working Group on biological observation systems for the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (Integration of Plankton-Observing Sensor Systems to Existing Global Sampling Programs) from 2018-2022. Dr. Waite was also on the board of the Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction, and Response Network (MEOPAR) from 2018-2024 and the editorial board of the international journal Limnology and Oceanography.

Earlier commitments included the Board of Directors of the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre in Hobart, Australia, the Norwegian Research Council Advisory Board, the Programme Advisory Group for the Natural Environment Research Council’s (NERC) Changing Arctic Ocean Research Programme, the Steering Committee of the Southern Ocean Observation System (SOOS), and the board of directors for the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.

Dr. Waite won teaching excellence awards in Australia and Germany and has recently been awarded the Japanese Oceanographic Society’s Yoshida Award for her oceanographic research on biological physical coupling. She currently sits on the board of Canada’s Ocean Supercluster.


List of publications linked to the research recognized by the 2024 Yoshida Award


  1. Rossi, Vincent; Feng, Ming; Pattiaratchi, Charitha; Roughan, Moninya; and Waite, A M. 2013.  On the factors influencing the development of sporadic upwelling in the Leeuwin Current system. JGR - Oceans 118(7):3608 DOI: 10.1002/jgrc.20242
  2. Feng, M., et al.. Waite, A.M 2007. Characteristics of two counter-rotating eddies in the Leeuwin Current system off the WA coast. Deep-Sea Res. II  54:961
  3. Greenwood, J.E., Feng, M., Waite, A.M. 2007. A one-dimensional simulation of biological production in two contrasting mesoscale eddies ... DSR II  54(8-10):1029

Biophysical Coupling

  1. Waite, A. M., et al. 2019. Production and ecosystem structure in cold‐core vs. warm‐core eddies: Implications for the zooplankton isoscape and rock lobster larvae. Limnol. Oceanogr. doi:10.1002/lno.11192
  2. Waite, A. M., et al. 2016a. The wine glass effect shapes particle export to the deep ocean in mesoscale eddies. GRL DOI:1002/2015GL066463
  3. Waite, A. M., et al . 2016b. Cross-shelf transport, oxygen depletion and nitrate release w/in a forming mesoscale eddy... Limnol. Oceanogr. 61:103
  4. Waite, A. M. et al. 2013. Formation and maintenance of high-nitrate, low pH layers in the eastern Indian Ocean and the role of N fixation. Biogeosciences 10(8):5691
  5. Thompson, P.A., … Waite A.M., .. 2011. Nutrients in an oligotrophic boundary current: Evidence of a new paradigm for the Leeuwin Current. Prog. Oceanography 91(4): 345 DOI: 10.1016/j.pocean.2011.02.011
  6. Paterson, H. L.,  … A .M. Waite, ..et al. 2008. Physical and Chemical signatures of a developing anticyclonic eddy in the Leeuwin Current, Eastern Indian Ocean. JGR 113, C07049, doi:10.1029/2007JC004707, 2008
  7. Waite, A.M., et al. 2007. The Leeuwin Current and its Eddies: An Introductory Overview. DSR II  54:789
  8. Waite, A.M., et al. 2007. Oceanography, primary production and dissolved inorganic nitrogen uptake in two Leeuwin Current eddies. DSR II  54(8-10):981-1002
  9. Thompson, P.A., Pesant, S., Waite, A.M. 2007. Contrasting the vertical differences in the phytoplankton biology of a dipole pair of eddies in the south-eastern Indian Ocean. DSR II  54(8-10):1003-1028

Plankton Ecosystem Structure

  1. Säwström, Christin, et al +  A. M. Waite. 2014. The zooplankton prey field for rock lobster phyllosoma larvae in relation to oceanographic features of the south-eastern Indian Ocean. J. Plankton Res.  36 (4): 1003 doi:10.1093/plankt/fbu019
  2. Paterson, Harriet; Waite, A. M.  2013. A warm-core eddy linking shelf, Leeuwin Current and oceanic waters demonstrated by near-shelf distribution patterns of Synechococcus spp. and Prochlorococcus spp. in the eastern Indian Ocean. Marine and Freshwater Research 64(11):1011-1021
  3. Holl, C.M., Waite, A.M., et al. 2007. Unicellular diazotrophy as a source of nitrogen to Leeuwin Current coastal eddies.  DSR II  54(8-10):1045-1054
  4. Waite, A.M., et al. 2007. Food web structure in two counter-rotating eddies based on del15N and del13C isotopic analyses. DSR II  54(8-10):1055-1075
  5. Paterson, H.L., .. Waite, A.M. 2007. Microzooplankton community structure and grazing on phytoplankton, in an eddy pair ... DSR II 54:1076
  6. Strzelecki, J., .. Waite, A.M. 2007. Comparison of mesozooplankton communities from a pair of warm- and cold-core eddies off WA. DSR- II  54(8-10):1103-1112  

Rock Lobster Biology

  1. Wang, M., .. Waite, A.M., et al. 2014. Condition of larvae of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies of the Leeuwin Current .. Marine Freshwater Res. 66(12):1158-1167
  2. O’Rorke, R., Lavery, S.D., Wang, M., Gallego, R., Waite, A.M., Beckley, L.E., Thompson, P., Jeffs, A.G. 2015. Phyllosomata associated with large gelatinous zooplankton: hitching rides and stealing bites. ICES J. Marine Science. 72:i124-i127
  3. O´Rorke, R., .. A.M. Waite, ... 2014. Spinning in different directions: western rock lobster larval condition varies with eddy polarity, but does their diet? J. Plankton Res. 37(3):542 doi:10.1093/plankt/fbv026
  4. Wang, M.; .. Waite, A. M. Let al 2014. Fatty acid profiles of phyllosoma larvae of western rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) in cyclonic and anticyclonic eddies of the Leeuwin Current off Western Australia.  Prog. Oceanography Vol 122: 153-162
  5. O’Rorke R., .. A.M. Waite, A.G. Jeffs. 2012. Determining the diet of larvae of Western Rock Lobster (Panulirus cygnus) using high-throughput DNA sequencing techniques. PLoS ONE Article e42757 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0042757
  6. Megan I. Saunders, et al.  A. M. Waite. 2012. Fussy Feeders: Phyllosoma Larvae of the Western Rocklobster (Panulirus cygnus) Demonstrate Prey Preference. PLoS ONE. Article e36580  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0036580
  7. Kennington, WJ, .. Waite, AM , ... 2010. Characterization of 18 polymorphic microsatellite loci for the western rock lobster Panulirus Cygnus. Conservation Genetics Resources. 2010.1007/s12686-010-9266-6.
Dr. Anya Waite