Combining data to unlock better ocean health

A panel discussion featuring Dr. Anya Waite on the need to explore the ocean, learn from it and protect it.

Event details

Date & Time:
February 27, 2023 2:05 PM
February 27, 2023 2:50 PM
Time Zone:
Western European Time (WET)
Lisbon, Portugal
Registration Deadline:
Registration Deadline:


Scientific research in the ocean is an expensive proposition, but technology is enabling scientists to collect data in more cost-effective ways.

What are these different kinds of ocean data, and how can they be used cohesively? How is technology contributing towards ocean health and tackling climate change, biodiversity loss and pollution?


Ana Oliveira

Ana Oliveira

Remote sensing and geospatial data analyst, +ATLANTIC

Kendra MacDonald

Kendra MacDonald

Chief executive, Canada's Ocean Supercluster

Anya Waite

Anya Waite

Chief executive and scientific director, Ocean Frontier Institute

Brian Melmuth

Moderator: Brian Helmuth

Professor marine and environmental sciences, Northeastern University and chief scientist, Proteus Ocean Group

Please click the titles below to learn more about each event.
Date: December 1, 2023
Time: 17:00 - 18:00  GST
Location: Ocean Pavilion
Date: December 2, 2023
Time: 17:00 - 18:00 GST
Location: Jameel Arts Centre
Date: December 3, 2023
Time: 10:00 - 13:00 GST
Location: Plenary 2
Catalyzing Investments
Date: December 3, 2023
Time: 16:00 - 17:15 GST
Location: Nature Pavilion
Global Greenhouse Gas
Date: December 4, 2023
Time: 12:15 - 13:15 GST
Location: Science for Climate Action Pavilion
Date: December 5, 2023
Time: 15:30 - 16:30 GST
Location: Ocean Pavilion
Date: December 6, 2023
Time: 15:30 - 16:30  GST
Location: Ocean Pavilion
Date: December 7, 2023
Time: 10:00 - 17:00  GST
Location: Off-site from COP28 (invite only)
Date: December 9, 2023
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 GST
Location: Ocean Pavilion
Date: December 9, 2023
Time: 11:00 - 12:00 GST
Location: Clean Resource Innovation Network Pavilion
Date: December 9, 2023
Time: 17:00 - 18:00 GST
Location: Canada Pavilion
Date: December 10, 2023
Time: 17:00 - 18:00 GST
Location: Clean Resource Innovation Network Pavilion
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